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The Resilient Process - Examining The BSI model


We need to look at Resilience and how it applies to the processes an entity adopts.

Last blog we looked at people in the resilience journey now we need to explore how resilience will impact on how we turn inputs into outputs and outcomes in our entities

This is the second stage of the resilience journey and we need to detail and catalogue the processes that our entities adopt so as to provide useful products and services for the community.

Do we do this?

Will our processes need to modernise and change to cope with thenew risks we face?

These are the tasks we should be undertaking but in reality examining processes to see how they might be affected by resilience challenges is not a very sexy task but nevertheless it is a useful exercise.

So what does the BSI model say about the effect of resilience challenges on processes?

In terms of process we need to identify:

  1. Governance- How effectively is our entity governed. Is it open, transparent and collaborative? Many organisations say they have a great corporate governance structure but on closer examination many questions are outstanding! Deeds are always greater than words!

  2. Business Continuity- Are we prepared if things go wrong in terms of our processes and programmes? Have we a plan to cope when risks crystallise?

  3. Supply Chain - How long, deep and vulnerable might it be? Is it complex and can it be simplified? Do we review it frequently to discern what needs to be achieved?

  4. Information and Knowledge- How much of it does your entity possess and where is it concentrated? How do we gather, utilise and improve it?

All these 4 factors meld together when trying to assess the resilience of.processes within your organisation and

Organisations must do the basics correctly to be resilient.

Governance must be robust demonstrating accountability, trust, innovation and adhere to the organisation's values.

Much is stated in mission statements but unfortunately I have found many instances where the words are good but the actions are limited and thats no good for anyone!

The Grenfell Tower tragedy is a prime example of rhis.

We need to be in a position where our process are reviewed and modified to fit into the new service realities.

The process element must be considered as an integral part of our resilience journey.

Let's incorporate this into what we do!

The governance element of process resilience will be discussed in a future blog.

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