Just feel its important to fill people in on what this report is saying on operational resilience this year.
2020/21rapidly became a year unlike any other. Many organizations had not planned for the speed of change that COVID-19, the very essence of an unforeseen volatile, uncertain complex and ambiguous event delivered such challenges and organizational resilience was tested like never before!
BSI asked more than 500 global business leaders how they felt they had survived, stabilized, rebuilt, and thrived amid the global disruption triggered by the pandemic. The main points were as follows:
A more holistic approach has emerged The unpredictable nature of Covid-19 resulted in leaders developing a more holistic awareness of the impact of all aspects of operations on their perception of their Organizational Resilience.
Increased emphasis on people and process There has been a shift in views as to which business areas have had the greatest impact on Organizational Resilience. While agile leadership remains a defining factor, it has been the People and Process elements that have seen the greatest increases in perceived importance.
Focusing on people and planet had a positive impact Prioritizing the health, safety and wellbeing of employees, clients and communities were strongly indicated to have had a positive impact on rebuilding Organizational Resilience.
Strong recovery requires a flexible approach Those that have survived have been agile, flexible, and adaptable. To rebuild, and ultimately thrive, leaders need to continue to communicate their vision effectively and with clarity, even when they don't immediately have all the answers, to align their workforce and resources.
Cause for optimism With so many aspects beyond their control, such as ever-changing government policies, how leaders have dealt with uncertainty has been key to survival. Now that there is more clarity on how their 'next normal' might look, cautious optimism enables leaders to strategize with more confidence.
We will examine this report later in more detail in a further blog.
Suffice it to say that the report draws on people and processes as being very important here, not just finance Issues?
We also need to focus on well being and the future of the planet.
Do we do this?
I think we must!
